Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST) was established in August 1945. WUST is a leading research and teaching centre and one of the most dynamically developing technical universities in Poland.

There are currently 22 822 students, 364 doctoral students and 493 people at the Doctoral School pursuing their degree programmes under the supervision of over 1500 academic teachers at WUST’s 13 faculties and three branches. There are also 995 foreign students from over 60 countries. WUST has ca 4725 employees (including academic teachers).

The faculty members of WUST participated among others in FP5 (33 projects), FP6 (50 projects), FP7 (56 projects), Horizon 2020 (30 projects), CIP European Union Framework Programs and participate in Horizon Europe, LIFE, COSME, Coal and Steel Fund, COST, Erasmus plus, Structural Funds as well as in national research programs.

In June 2016 European Commission granted our University the logo "Human Resources Excellence in Research". It is given to those institutions that apply the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

At the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems we are conducting current scientific research at the highest possible level, developing knowledge and technology in the field of automation, electronics and space technologies, educating students in the conducted fields of study in a modern way, in synergy with scientific research, in cooperation with external entities, taking into account the needs of the labour market. 

As the modern technical environment is changing practically every day, a competitive economy should be developed, based on knowledge, and the digital society needs modern systems and products based on broadly understood electronics, automation and robotics, as well as on information technology. 

The Faculty of Electronics, Photonics, and Microsystems integrates its employees within the discipline of Automation, Electronic, and Electrical Engineering. Highly competent staff as well as unique research and teaching infrastructure allow the Faculty to cover a very wide range of issues related to electronics, automation and robotics. The Faculty thus invites an extended scope of interdisciplinary modern research and teaching aspects which correspond to the needs of the modern economy and society.

The people involved in the project of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology have many years of extensive experience in the organisation of the didactic process in the field of high technologies. 

The project will involve people with extensive research experience in microsystems, photonics, additive manufacturing and 3D printing.