Our project centers around introducing advanced printing technologies (APT) into university education.  The project aims to advocate for the use of digital additive manufacturing (DAM) technologies, encompassing design methods and printing technologies. 
Our project partners are highly experienced, excelling in both research and teaching on technology, especially the APT/DAM topic. Each institution focuses on its respective expertise field, namely microsystems, nanophotonics, and packaging. Typically, students engage in high-tech projects during their final thesis works due to limitations in accessing specific equipment or facing technical and time constraints. In our project, we aim to overcome these barriers, broadening access, and integrating students into high-tech manufacturing technologies and the electronics development process using APT from an earlier stage. In addition international exchange will allow the students to see different approaches to additive manufacturing whilst experiencing European culture along the way.

TADAM project will be utilized in 3 phases, each involving students and academic staff from all partner universities. 
At first the project framework for education on 3D printing has to be defined by:

Secondly joint courses and modules will be developed to give students theoretical background and know how. These will finally lead to hand-on-activities such as workshops or summer schools. Gaining practical experience can play a vital role in motivating students to work with additive 3D printing during their whole professional career.